5 Reasons to Gift an Experience
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  • Writer's pictureAshley Hebert

5 Reasons to Gift an Experience

Written by our friends at Tonawanda Dance Arts

During the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season, everyone is searching for the perfect gift for their loved ones! We think and imagine, wondering what will bring a smile to their face. Imagine though, if we could experience that smile more than once!

At first thought, gifting an experience to someone may feel a bit underwhelming and lackluster. You can't play with an experience the minute you open the box. You can't see it or touch it right away. But what you can do, is look forward to it, and

experience the excitement of the gift over and over again. There are so many reasons why gifting an experience for your loved ones is amazing, but here are a few of our favorites!

  1. Gifted experiences are unique and meaningful: When gifting a physical gift, you're providing someone with one of one million copies of a toy on the shelf. It's probably something that's been gifted thousands of times this season, and that everyone has. When you gift an experience, you're setting your loved one up for a unique and meaningful encounter, where they have the opportunity to learn, grow and interact with others!

  2. Experiences bring social interaction and building relationships: Let's face it, the last 18 months has been somewhat isolating for many of us, especially our children! Work, School and even time with friends may not have looked the same as it once did. Providing loved ones with the gift of an experience will allow them to see others, make friends and gain a sense of 'normalcy' once again!

  3. Experiences help keep the play room clutter free: How many of us say 'They really don't NEED anything!' when we're asked by Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts or Uncles what's on our children's Christmas List? Our living rooms, bedrooms and play rooms are already full to the brim with no end in sight! So how about a gift that not only gets us out of the clutter, but doesn't add to it either!

  4. Experiences allow us to relive the gift over and over: Opening a gift with future value may not be immediately exciting for our little ones, but the excitement and anticipation can build as the event approaches! Imagine being able to talk to your loved one about how amazing it will be to attend that play together. Or watching your dancer in their recital, knowing you gave them the gift of weekly lessons! With an experience, the excitement never ends.

  5. Experiences create lasting memories: Last but not least, the memories that are tied to a gifted experience are special beyond measure! It's rare that people remember all the presents they opened over the years, but what will be cherished for years to come are the memories that are made with one another, and these can go beyond the Holiday Season. Something to always look back on such as a day at the zoo, a trip to dance class or a visit at the museum will be a memory held tight.

Gifted experiences enrich our lives, and bring us so much happiness! Unlike material things, experiences open a road to adventure, friendship and memories to be cherished. Isn't that what it's all about?

Looking for the perfect experience to gift your loved one? Check out how you can give the gift of dance to your loved one here.

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